King (Septem– May 14, 2015), known professionally as B.B. And yes the blues are worldwide and have been since the 50’s and 60’s largely due to this man. He played in almost every country on the planet and helped maybe more than anyone to spread his blues throughout the world. Here, you will know.Ĭoming in at number 2 is one of the heaviest hitters of all time. The Top 15 Best Blues Songs of All Time! Something you could show a friend or family member who doesn’t know what the blues are, or someone who thinks they know but doesn’t really. A simple list of great songs by great musicians.

So much in my life has changed I couldn’t possibly get into it here, maybe some day I’ll write a book. I honestly never thought I would feel inspired enough to ever grace this blog again. Almost 3 years to the day and I’ve once again managed to let life get in the way of writing about the music I love.